Woohoo Red Redux!

So, at the risk of sounding like a reality show, (if you can't laugh at yourself on the verge of 50, you're in trouble), so back to the self parody - lol
I just wasn't getting the red i wanted - whine - and I finally found it! And I love it - it pops my hazel eyes to green too - what could be better!


Anonymous said…
Did you do it yourself????
A part of me is thinking of doing it too...
Cheryl Prater said…
Oooooh. Look at your sassy self. Your eyes look ten times bluer! I love it!
Deb Silva said…
thank you! yes, i did it myself, you should go for it, get a color darker than you want - white and gray hair is stubborn!
Deb Silva said…
Thanks Cheryl!
Cheryl Prater said…
Ok. Revvvvvved up Reeeeeed! I think it's fabulous! I admire your stick-to-itiveness.

It looks like Kate Winslet's color in Titanic. I once read this article about how the stylists had to dye her hair every week when she was filming to keep it so vibrant, especially when shooting all the drowing scenes -- it would get washed out. Make sure you only do scenes on dry land and you'll be gorgeous for lots longer.

:) cp
Deb Silva said…
Oh Honey, I'm a dry land kind of girl.
Judy Wise said…
YES! Perfect color. You look awesome.
Deb Silva said…
Thank you Judy! That's so funny, I was just writing to you.
Anonymous said…
gorgeous color! gorgeous you!!! who's on the verge of 50? I don't see her...you much be talkin' about your mom or somthin'....

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