Bunny Botanical

Judy, (my sis Judy Perez), has been working on mixed media paper quilts and it looked like so much fun I had to join her. My first one was abysmal, just wretched. But this one I like. If you're wondering about the title, I was thinking about a time when Judy and I were little that we got labeled. Judy drew constantly, I swear the girl drew 500 bunnies, anyway, she got labeled the artistic one, and I was the smart one, which explains why her paper quilt is so much better than mine. In her honor, I hid a bunny in my quilt, can you find the bunny?
Love you Jude~


Unknown said…
very nice, smarty pants
Deb Silva said…
Thank you very much "Miss Bunny Hoppin Down the Lane"
Cheryl Prater said…
Awwww, sistely love and bunnies. Too precious.
Do you mean the ass end of the White Rabbit? I love these quilts, you can add anything to them!
ps...can't be any worse than my mom drawing corsets from the SEars catalog when she was young...
Deb Silva said…
The ass end of the white rabbit - yup that's the one~ lol

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