
- The actual trip home from Chicago was quite interesting. My first seatmates were two German exchange students, (from Wisconson as Max claimed - lol- they were charming). Anyway, you'll see them on the right hand page, they were so far ahead of American kids their ages, both socially and intellectually - wow. So Hi Guys! Leave me a comment so i know you got back from NY okay - (they were site seeing on their own in the city) - Addendum - thanks for the magazine guys - you rock! I'll use it in my journal, and teach my Grandbaby some German too~

I had a long layover at LaGuardia, and met Patrice K.M. Ognodo, who runs the Neighborhood Good Samaritan Center in Charlotte. I had just been at the Immigration March, which started a fascinating conversation about immigration law, and statistics, and theory, (i was a Sociology major and love it), so that was great.

Then on the final leg home, my seat mate was Laura from Port Clyde Maine, who teaches ESL in Costa Rica, she was fascinating, and easygoing, and we laughed about the sticky bathroom floor which was fabulous ~ (it was a long day) ~ so she was a total breath of fresh air~ Even though it took twelve hours I had a great trip home - in our little Global Village.


Ro Bruhn said…
Love your journal pages Deb


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