A Studio Challenge

So okay - i tried to put these in order around the room - from left to right, top row - sewing table - (cool mirror from Goodwill), painting table, glue and tape type supplies. Second row - (same order) - paper table, supplies in front of Judy's first version of "There's a Place Called Mars", and the soldering bench. Third row - fabric shelves behind the door, dress form (she needs a name, suggestions welcomed), and the paper hangers.

One of my favorite books is "Where Women Create", after Susan Tuttle posted photos of her new studio, it got me thinking about a "studio challenge" for lack of a better term - wouldn't it be cool to see where we all work? So I'm putting it out there~
and asking Cheryl Prater and Celine Navarro to be the first participants, so Cheryl and Celine- after you post your photos, you get to pick the next two lucky bloggers!


Anonymous said…
thank you dear for the challenge!!!! i'm doing it right now! :)
Deb Silva said…
Oh good! I'm looking forward to it~
Lori Pilla said…
Hi Deb,
Love your studio. I got some great ideas for organizing mine. At the moment mine is is the basement. Its somewhat organized but I still don't have "enough" working area. Thanks for the show and tell. I love your blog.

Deb Silva said…
Thanks Lori!
In case of not enough room I always put stuff UNDER the table~ just leave a tiny spot for your legs - lol
Ro Bruhn said…
Thanks for showing us your studio Deb, I love to see where other people create. You have some great ideas, I love the lamp shade frame for hanging things and also your shoe containers hanging behind the door, I'm going to borrow that idea if I may.
Deb Silva said…
Yes, i love to share ideas! they are prettier make from fabric, but then you can't see what's in there, which defeats the purpose i think, since i can never remember where i put things - lol

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