The Wiped Out Necklace

Is anyone else exhausted - i am just so tired, bone tired. Can you relate? Let's talk -
and by the way - here is another necklace i made.


upwiththesun said…
Yes, I am exhausted too. I think it is the beginning of school, fall heading to winter, rush of getting everyone up and going when they've not been doing that all summer. I am truly an early bird, but it makes me tired when other people are awake before I'm ready to be human! What's the solution? For me it's just to keep plugging along, get back into the routine and continue to find places in my day to rest and create in between the "gotta do its". P.S. The necklace is gorgeous!!
Deb Silva said…
Thanks Luvie! Yes, keep on keepin on~
This is STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!
And yes..some days I just tire myself out with my own thoughts!! I too believe it is the beginning of the nesting for winter thing...the days are getting shorter...the air cooler and the winter bear in me is adjusting to this...Plus as usual we all put way to much pressure on our self to perform in a certain way.
But with that being said...when we do create...WOW...look what we make!
It is truly a work of art BAE!!!!!!!
Cheryl Prater said…
I'm too pooped to post.

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