Paper Bead Necklace

I made this gorgeous necklace using Paper Beads that Kelli Perkins made and generously shared at the Chicago Quilt Festival - I absolutely adore these beads!
(and p.s. - that's not hair on my chest, it's sun damage - lol)


OMG!!!!!!!!!! STUNNING! WONDERFUL, BEAUTIFUL...I see directions on how to make these beads, but looks like hard work, and after seeing yours...I KNOW IT IS!!!!!!!! IT IS WONDERFUL DEB!!!!!!
Deb Silva said…
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Deb Silva said…
Judy arrives tomorrow, i'm gonna rope her into making some with me - lol - they are so cool!!
Vickie Hallmark said…
I wanna play with you and Judy! Those look so fun!

-Dr. Vic
Ro Bruhn said…
Love your beads Deb, they look like glass

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