Technique Sketchbook

I've just started a technique sketchbook - I plan to fill it with all my favorite paper and textile techniques - It will be a reminder of things to do when I'm staring blankly at a new page - lol
I'll also be experimenting with new threads - while in Chicago I met Liz Kettle of WonderFil,
WonderFil Specialty Threads U.S
and she sent me a sampler of wonderful threads - I used a beautiful green on the front of my sketchbook and it sews like butter, very smooth!


jonio said…
Deb, this is a great idea!! A good way to carry your art work compactly in public - great for waiting in doctor's office, or anywhere to spark interest and have folks asking about your work. Show what you do and slip them a business card, great way to get the word out.

Julaine said…
Love it, Deb! Jonio is so right...
Check out my blog to see the notebook covers I've been making -

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