Independent Fashion Label

Oh My! Go check out Designs by Bonzie to see some exquisite creations!! This is a
Regal Victorian Tatter Cuff


Bonzie Designs said…
Hi Deb
Just wanted to say Hi, thanks a lot for liking my work! chuffed!
Have to say, LOVE LOVE LOVE the hair, the second pic with you in the really bright red shade rocks!! your an inspiration Deb, and I thought you were totally my age group, Im in my twenties! so whatever your doing, your doing it very well girl! :)
By the way, your son is very cool! love the band image!
Deb Silva said…
oooooohhhh! Thanks for the compliment on my age - I'll love you forever! lol
I've been telling everyone about your amazing designs, They are so way cool!

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