Huskystar ER10

I've been playing with my new embellisher - trying out different fibers to see what will felt and what won't, it's fabulous! This is just some doodling i did yesterday.
So what works - you can join almost anything to wool - joining fabric edges to each other needs natural fibers - if it's synthetic organza you can stick some batting under the edge and make it stick, but silk and cotton join nicely, something with wool in it, or very fibrous makes the seam look gorgeously lacey, I couldn't find any silk organza at Joann's so I'm looking forward to seeing that, those colorful silk hankies that you can pull apart look fabulous, I'm planning a purse of wool felt with hankies and roving circles of bright colors, then beaded. This thing is going to keep me busy for a while. My friend Frances says she has to limit her time on her embellisher or she'll go without food and sleep. lol


It looks like you were having fun and I look forward to seeing the finish project.
Deb Silva said…
Thanks Trish!

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